Friday, 9 October 2015

[TUTORIAL]How to prove your E-Whore is real with pictures!

Hello everyone! Today i can hopefully help you verify your real so you can increase you're chance of earning!


1. Good at being persuasive.
2. The ability to follow a set of images.
3. Not getting your dick stuck in the toaster.
4. GIMP or Photoshop.

Lets begin!

First of all find a target, Talk for a bit about payments etc and make sure he knows that you will prove your real by you writing something on your belly/boob or wherever is most exposed on your e-whore. Ask him what he would like you too write and agree too it. While he thinks would be the perfect opportunity to decide on a picture.

Right, now your victim has gave a name or a word, we will now open up gimp and load a picture of our e-whore when done it should look like this:

Now what were going to do is find the perfect realistic looking brush size and opacity. for my picture that i'm using i have found it is 3 and opacity around 70 however this depends on lighting. I would also reccomend you to play around with aspect ratio to make some realistic looking pen marks. Here are my brush settings:

Now the next step were going to do is create a new layer for the text so we don't edit the original image when we add the text. If i'm not clear or you don't understand don't worry just continue to read. To create a new layer right click on the layers menu and click create new layer and name it text or something MAKE SURE THE LAYER FILL TYPE IS TRANSPARENCY, due to gyazo i cannot show the drop down menu

Now make sure you have the text layer selected and use ctrl + scrollwheel to zoom in, Get nice and close and begin to draw the name or whatever he wants:

Now you could stop there IF YOUR VICTIM IS A DOWNY now if we zoom out it doesnt look very real at all, so what we need to do next is select the blur tool:

Now select a nice brush size for the blur tool and while the text layer is selected hold down left click and rub it over the text until it looks legit! Then go to file > Export as > And export it as a JPG or whatever you like! Heres the final product:

Good luck ewhoring guys! Hope i could help! Hope you guys get more profit! Black Hat Thumbsup


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